其他 > 「生蛇與癌症你要知」專題講座



癌症資訊網成功舉辦「生蛇與癌症你要知」專題講座,感謝內科腫瘤科專科醫生 #吳劍邦醫生 為大家講解為何癌症病人是生蛇的高危一群,如果真的不幸生蛇有何治療及預防方法。
鳴謝 GSK 全力支持今次講座。
💡以下為 #吳劍邦醫生 歸納的幾個重點:
以往癌症病人在做治療時很多會避免接受疫苗注射, 因為第一怕抵抗力低會導致打疫苗不能使到身體產生足夠抗體,第二怕打疫苗後會發燒導致分不清是真感染的發燒還是疫苗的發燒反應,但疫情使到情況很大改變,大家都更加開始接受疫苗。
1️⃣ 癌症病人是可以打蛇針,安全有效
2️⃣ 生完蛇可以打蛇針
3️⃣ 打過第一代蛇針可以再打新一代蛇針
In the past, many cancer patients would avoid receiving vaccinations during treatment. Firstly, It is believed that impaired immunity would cause the vaccine fail to mount sufficient antibodies response, and secondly, some patients would develop fever after vaccination, which would make it difficult to distinguish a fever from a real infection or reaction to the vaccine. But the pandemic has changed the situation a lot. Many people tend to accept the vaccination more. To summarize the lecture
1️⃣ Cancer patients can receive zoster vaccine, which is safe and effective
2️⃣ Zoster vaccine can be given even zoster infection had occured once the active phase is over
3️⃣ Even for those who had the first generation zoster vaccine, they can still receive the new generation of zoster vaccination


2025-03-22 10:00 上午 聊·愈:甜品工作坊


