同行者之歌 > 癌兒開刀留疤好自卑 父落髮紋身陪伴他

癌兒開刀留疤好自卑 父落髮紋身陪伴他


(中央社台北22日電)近日網路瘋傳1則父子同心對抗腫瘤的感人故事,美國堪薩斯州28歲男子喬希˙馬歇爾(Josh Marshall)的兒子加布里埃爾(Gabriel)因罹患惡性腦瘤接受開顱手術,在頭部留下一道很大的疤痕,令他的兒子非常自卑。為了提振兒子的自信心,老爸毫不猶豫在自己頭部相同位置紋上一道類似的疤痕,展現父子抗癌決心。




有網友表示,這位慈父值得獲頒「年度最好爸爸」獎項,支持兒童癌症研究的 St. Baldrick基金會也邀請這對父子加入組織一起抗癌。


Kansas dad gets head tattoo to match son's cancer scar

CBS News – ‎21 hours ago‎
The organization funds efforts to support kids with cancer, and says its "head-shaving events began as a challenge between businessmen and have grown from one event in 2000 to over 1,300 events in 2013, raising critical funds for childhood cancer …

Father Of 8-Year-Old Cancer Patient Gets Amazing Tattoo To Boost Son's Self-Confidence: 'They Can Stare At Both Of …

The Inquisitr – ‎13 hours ago‎
His 6-year-old son, Gabriel, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer known as anaplastic astrocytoma. Astrocytomas are tumors that develop from astrocytes, which are star-shaped brain cells that combine with other cells to form tissue to protect other 

Dad gets scar tattoo to support son who's fighting cancer

CNN – ‎22 hours ago‎
The Kansas man noticed his young son, who's battling brain cancer, was self-conscious about the scar left behind on his head after a surgery. So Marshall got a tattoo that matches his son's scar. A picture of the head-matching father and son was 

Best Bald Dad: Josh Marshall Gets Tattoo To Match Son's Cancer Scar [Photo]

The Inquisitr – ‎20 hours ago‎
The “Best Bald Dad” award goes to Josh Marshall after he got a tattoo in support of his son who hascancer. Josh entered a photo of him and his son in a contest held by the St. Baldrick's Foundation. The “Best Bald Dad” contest is held annually and 

Dad Gets Tattoo to Match Son's Brain Cancer Surgery Scar

ABC News – ‎Jun 22, 2016‎
The father of a Kansas boy who was self-conscious about scarring following brain cancer surgery has got a tattoo that resembles his son's scar on the side of his head. Josh Marshall tells ABC News that 8-year-old Gabriel was left with a large horseshoe 

Best Dad Ever Gets Son's Scar From Cancer Tattooed In Same Place

Huffington Post – ‎Jun 22, 2016‎
In March 2015, Gabriel was diagnosed with a form of cancer called anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare malignant brain tumor. The boy, now 8, underwent surgery to have the tumor removed and was left with a scar on the right side of his head. According to a …

Dad gets tattoo to match son's cancer scar; photo goes viral

CTV News – ‎20 hours ago‎
A touching father-and-son photo is making the rounds online after taking the top spot in the "Best Bald Dad" contest put on by a U.S. childhood cancer foundation. Josh Marshall of Kansas got a tattoo on the side of his head to match his son's scar from 

Awesome dad gets a tattoo of his son's cancer surgery scar

Mashable – ‎Jun 21, 2016‎
After undergoing surgery for brain cancer, 8-year-old Gabriel Marshall was left with a scar on the right side of his head. In order to boost his self-confidence, Gabriel's father, Josh Marshall, decided to get a tattoo exactly like his son's scar 

Check Out Dad's Radical, Touching Gesture to Support His Son Who's FightingCancer and Just Had Brain Surgery

TheBlaze.com – ‎17 hours ago‎
According to ABC News, Josh Marshall's son, Gabriel Marshall, 8, was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called anaplastic astrocytoma last year. Gabriel underwent surgeries to combat thecancer, which left him scarred. “My son was very …

Dad tattoos scar on head to honor son battling brain cancer

Fox News – ‎Jun 22, 2016‎
A father of an 8-year-old boy battling brain cancer had a scar tattooed on his head after the boy said his own scars made him feel like a “monster.” “This broke my heart,” Josh Marshall, 28, told Buzzfeed. “I told him if people wanted to stare, they 

Dad got tattoo to help son feel better about cancer surgery scar

WQAD.com – ‎21 hours ago‎
Josh Marshall got the tattoo to help his son feel better after young Gabriel had surgery in March of 2015. Doctors had diagnosed him with a rare type of brain cancer called anaplastic astrocytoma, and the surgery left him with a scar running from above 

Dad's tattoo of son's cancer scar earns praise across the internet

WHIO – ‎Jun 21, 2016‎
One Wichita, Kansas, father's simple contest entry earned him praise across the internet for the support he showed for his son, who is battling cancer. BuzzFeed News reported that Josh Marshall, 28, got a tattoo to match the scar on the side of the 

Dad makes HEARTWARMING decision to get a tattoo to match his son's cancerscar

Express.co.uk – ‎22 hours ago‎
Josh Marshall's eight-year-old son, Gabriel, was diagnosed with a form of cancer called anapaestic astrocytoma, a rare malignant brain tumour, but while Gabriel still has some of the tumour in his brain, his last few scans have shown he is now stable.

This Dad's Tattoo Of His Son's Cancer Scar Is A Beautiful Example Of A Father's Dedication

Romper – ‎Jun 21, 2016‎
In March 2015, Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare — and malignant — brain tumor. At that time, Gabriel was just 6 years old. The golf ball-sized tumor was successfully removed from his brain, Gabriel has been out of …


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