病患個案 > (腸癌) 英癌末少年 募款250萬英鎊

(腸癌) 英癌末少年 募款250萬英鎊

英國一名勇敢的癌症末期青少年周二(22日)在臉書上貼出最後告別,並鼓勵網友們在他離世後,繼續支持英國「青少年癌症信託基金」(Teenage Cancer Trust),經媒體披露後,感動了社會,72小時內,募款已近250萬英鎊大關(約1億2500萬台幣)。

19歲的史蒂芬.沙頓(Stephen Sutton)在15歲時被診斷罹患了腸癌。17歲時,他得悉自己的癌症無法治癒,決定以自己剩餘的生命,投身慈善活動。

15個月前,他以「史蒂芬的故事」(Stephen’s Story)在部落格記錄自己與癌症搏鬥歷程,並為英國青少年癌症基金募款。最初,他的目標是募得1萬英鎊。但15個月下來,他的故事感動大批網友,募款超過了58萬英鎊。









Teenager's cancer appeal set to raise £3m

Stephen Sutton's efforts raise sum more than three times bigger than any previous single legacy for Teenage Cancer Trust


Stephen Sutton: 'It’s still a case of taking each day as it comes.'

Donations to a cancer charity appeal organised by 19-year-old Stephen Sutton, whose fundraising efforts while terminally ill have brought acclaim from celebrities and a deluge of contributions from the public, were on Sunday on the verge of hitting £3m.

Sutton was diagnosed with bowel cancer aged 15, and remains seriously ill in a Birmingham hospital despite what he has described as a seemingly miraculous recovery from a collapsed lung caused by pressure from a secondary tumour. The teenager, from Staffordshire, originally hoped to raise £10,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Sutton has maintained an irregular series of updates to his hugely popular Facebook page, describing the moment doctors explained that the collapsed lung could kill him, and gaining yet more tweets from celebrities urging people to donate, with recent backers includingColdplay and David Tennant.

The sum collected, coming from about 200,000 mainly small donations, is more than three times bigger than any previous single legacy for the Teenage Cancer Trust, something the charity says will transform its work with young people.

In a Facebook update on Sunday Sutton, whose family are at his bedside, said his breathing had deteriorated markedly the previous afternoon, and despite receiving oxygen he felt as if he was choking. He then violently coughed up an oval-shaped solid, after which his breathing improved.

He wrote: "The doctors have discussed what's happened and the only plausible conclusion is that I've literally coughed up a tumour that was blocking my airway. I have had an X-ray this morning which seems to show my right lung has inflated slightly, suggesting the substance I coughed up was also a significant pressure that was causing a restriction on the collapsed lung. Physiologically a tumour breaking away like this is possible, but it all just seems incredibly surreal – mind, I'm not complaining!"

He added: "It's still a case of taking each day as it comes, but at the moment the days just keep on coming!!"

More money was being raised through an event on Sunday evening organised by the comedian Jason Manford, which sold out in four minutes. "I wish all my gigs were like that. I am telling you I might have to get him to do my PR," Manford told LBC radio.






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