其他 > 【研討會】Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis 活動花絮

【研討會】Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis 活動花絮


2024年6月9日在港安醫療中心-銅鑼灣舉行之 “Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis” 研討會已經圓滿結束。是次研討會由 癌症資訊網 cancerinformation.com.hk香港精確腫瘤醫學會關愛社會醫生聯會 合辦。


【CME Programme】
是次活動參與的醫生均可申請 自願延續醫學教育計劃
CME points will be awarded by the following colleges:
Hong Kong College of Community Medicine (1.50 points )
Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (1.50 points )
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (2 points )
The Hong Kong College of Pathologists ( 2 points )
Hong Kong College of Physicians (1 points )
Hong Kong College of Radiologists (1.50 points )
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong ( 2 points )
Medical Council of Hong Kong ( 2 points )


Dr. Joseph Au
Dr. Henry Pang
Dr. Billy Chiu
Miss Natalie Fong
Miss Zanonia Chiu

Symposium “Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis” held on 9 June 2024 at Adventist Medical Center-CWB. The Host of organizers are Hong Kong Precision Oncology Society, Association of Doctors for Social Responsibility and Cancerinformation.com.hk .

Grateful for Our Expert Speakers on Lung Cancer Early Detection and Diagnosis.

We are thrilled to extend our deepest gratitude to the exceptional speakers who contributed to our recent event on Lung Cancer Early Detection and Diagnosis. Their combined expertise provided a well-rounded and informative session, making a significant impact on all attendees.

Big thanks to:

Dr. Henry Pang, General Practitioner, for offering critical insights into early detection from a primary care perspective.

Dr. Joseph Au, Clinical Oncologist, for discussing the latest diagnostic techniques and treatment modalities.

Our Chairlady Miss Natalie Fong, for shedding light on the vital support services available through charitable organizations.

Miss Zanonia Chiu, Registered Clinical Psychologist, for addressing the crucial role of mental health support for patients and their families.

Dr. Billy Chiu, Chief Medical Executive, for providing a beautiful venue at the Adventist Medical Center Causeway Bay and hosting the Q&A session and providing closing remarks.


2025-04-12 12:30 下午 維多利亞港帆船賽暨體驗日
2025-04-05 2:30 下午 家支援醫事講:鼻咽癌講座


