國際視野 / 癌症資訊網編輯室 > 免費 app : 核磁共振成像掃描(MRI)的虛擬現實(VR)應用

免費 app : 核磁共振成像掃描(MRI)的虛擬現實(VR)應用



英國倫敦大學國王學院醫院,推出了一款面向核磁共振成像掃描(MRI)的虛擬現實(VR)應用。這款由醫學博士 Jonathan Ashmore 和學習專家 Jerome Dipereo 設計的免費 app,展示了 360° 的核磁共振成像掃描的流程體驗,旨在減輕患者(特別是孩子們)在做檢查之前的恐懼。感興趣的網友們可以到 Google Play 下載。

通過虛擬現實的方式,這款應用可以帶著你游覽一家醫院,使用者可以摁下導航按鈕,在不同的大樓見穿梭(比如休息室和 MRI 手術室等)。




一位 10 歲的小朋友(Matthew Downe)說到:“我想這可以讓孩子們平靜下來,如果他們變得有些激動的話… 這款應用能夠讓你看到周邊的環境,在真實掃描之前感受體驗… 是一種不錯的准備方式”。





UK hospital uses VR to reassure children before MRI scans

Engadget – ‎Feb 17, 2017‎
To help patients, and in particular children, the Kings College Hospital in London has turned to VR. MRI physicist Jonathan Ashmore and technologist Jerome Di Pietro have produced an app that contains a 360-degree video. Slip on a Google Cardboard and …

UK hospital uses VR to ease kids' nerves before an MRI

The Verge – ‎Feb 17, 2017‎
The Kings College Hospital in London this week launched an Android app to be used with virtual reality headsets such as the Google Cardboard. In it, kids can look around the room in 360-degree view and listen as the video explains what to expect when …

VR app helps prepare children for MRI

New Atlas – ‎Feb 17, 2017‎
An MRI physicist at King's College Hospital in London has spearheaded a virtual reality app to help soothe children's fears about receiving an MRI. The "My MRI at King's" app is specially designed to walk children through the MRI process, which can be …

British hospital uses VR to make MRI less scary for kids

TNW – ‎Feb 17, 2017‎
King's College Hospital teamed with one of the hospital's play specialists to create an app that — when worn before an MRI — helps kids understand the procedure through an immersive VR experience.

UK hospital uses 360-degree video to reassure kids ahead of MRI scans

Digital Trends – ‎Feb 17, 2017‎
However, these technologies can also be used to give people a preview of something they're going to experience in real life, as evidenced by a project being implemented at King's College Hospital in London, England. MRI physicist Jonathan Ashmore 

This VR app helps children get prepared for an MRI

The TechNews – ‎Feb 18, 2017‎
In order to help the children, MRI physicist Jonathan Ashmore and Jerome Di Pietro, a Learning Technologist at King's College London have developed an app. Named My MRI at King's, this app contains a 360-degree video that lets children experience the …


