國際視野 / 癌症資訊網編輯室 > 科研: 憑淚水所含獨特蛋白質測試是否患癌

科研: 憑淚水所含獨特蛋白質測試是否患癌

她們觀賞電影《布魯克林之戀》(Brooklyn) 期間被收集眼淚樣本
美國 Ascendant Diagnostics(診斷公司)收集這些眼淚樣本, 他們認為眼淚蛋白有助檢測乳腺癌. Ascendant Diagnostics(診斷公司)正在開發一種新的癌症篩選技術.通常,一齣悲傷的電影會導致大量的爆米花消耗和一些沾濕了的面紙。
觀賞電影《布魯克林之戀》(Brooklyn) 的婦女捐贈了她們的眼淚予正在開發一個新的癌症檢測裝置的研究人員 。
淚液由Ascendant Diagnostics(診斷公司)收集,他們相信眼淚中的蛋白質可以檢測乳腺癌。
來自美國 Ascendant Diagnostics(診斷公司)的研究人員認為眼淚可能有助檢測乳腺癌,準確度達90%。
「乳腺癌的篩選分析乃基於淚液中發現的一組稱為 Melody 的專有蛋白質。」該公司在一篇研究摘要中解釋。
「採集這種蛋白質可以區分患乳腺癌的女性和沒有患乳腺癌的女性,敏感度達 88%,特異性達 86%。」
400名婦女自願參加研究。屏幕上播放《布魯克林之戀》(Brooklyn) 如此一齣催淚電影,要收集她們的眼淚樣本,一點也不難。 
Ascendant Diagnostics(診斷公司)希望創建一種能夠更容易地檢測早期乳腺癌的設備。




原文 : 

Could TEARS be used to detect breast cancer? Bizarre experiment sees researchers asking weepy cinema goers to donate theirs to find out


  • Around 400 New Zealand women have donated their tears to science
  • They watched the film Brooklyn as their tears were collected
  • American company Ascendant Diagnostics collected the samples
  • They believes proteins in tears could help detect breast cancer
  • The company is working on a new technology for cancer screening 

Usually all that comes out of a screening of a sad movie is a lot of popcorn consumed and some soggy tissues. 

But at a New Zealand cinema recently, something else was achieved—a potential breakthrough in detecting breast cancer. 

Women watching the drama Brooklyn donated their tears to researchers who are developing a new cancer detection device. 

Women in New Zealand have donated their tears (above) to try and help with breast cancer research

Women in New Zealand have donated their tears (above) to try and help with breast cancer research

The tears were collected by Ascendant Diagnostics Dx, who believe proteins in tears could detect breast cancer

The tears were collected by Ascendant Diagnostics Dx, who believe proteins in tears could detect breast cancer

American researchers from company Ascendant Diagnostics (Dx) believe that tears could potentially help breast cancer with 90 per cent accuracy. 

'The screening assay for breast cancer is based on a proprietary set of proteins found in tear fluid, called Melody,' the company explains in a research abstract.

'This collection of proteins can distinguish women who have breast cancer from women who do not with sensitivity of 88 per cent and a specificity of 86 per cent.' 

Around 400 women watched the tear-jerker drama film Brooklyn (above) in order for the samples to be collected

Around 400 women watched the tear-jerker drama film Brooklyn (above) in order for the samples to be collected

Currently mammograms are the most common way to detect breast cancer, but they are not as effective for women with dense breast tissue

Currently mammograms are the most common way to detect breast cancer, but they are not as effective for women with dense breast tissue

But before seeking regulatory approval, the scientists need to refine the testing device and needed more tears. 

400 women volunteered for the good of the research, and with a tear-jerker like Brooklyn on the screen it wasn't hard to get samples. 

Ascendant Diagnostics hopes to create a device that can more easily detect breast cancer early.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3918950/Women-donate-TEARS-help-breast-cancer-research.html#ixzz4Q9Df099V 
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