同行者之歌 > ( 血癌 ) 癌童變身「蝙蝠仔」為棒賽投球

( 血癌 ) 癌童變身「蝙蝠仔」為棒賽投球



AP Photo / Jeff Chiu

 記得去年11月15日,患了血癌的5歲男童米爾斯•斯科特(Miles Scott)在三藩市當局悉心安排下,變身成為「蝙蝠仔」(Batkid),在大人飾演的「蝙蝠俠」陪同下,上演了一幕捉賊好戲,實現他的心願,當時成為世界各地報章的頭條新聞。本周二,這位「蝙蝠仔」再度出動,應邀在美國職業棒球勁旅三藩市巨人隊的主場比賽中,投出第一球。



Batkid's Back! Miles Scott Throws First Pitch for San Francisco Giants Home Opener—Take a Look!


Batkid not only fights crime, but also has great form when it comes to pitching.

Miles Scott, the young boy who first entered our hearts late last year after Make-a-Wish transformed San Francisco into Gotham so that Miles could transform into Batkid, arrived at AT&T Park alongside Batman in their signature Lamborghini ride (aka The Bat Mobile) today to throw the first pitch for the San Francisco Giants home opener.

According to SFGate.com, Scott was greeted by a roaring audience and pitcher Matt Cain, who held the young cancer survivor's hand and walked him to the mound before playing their game against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

RELATED: The Dark Knight's Christian Bale on Batkid: "How Amazing!"

Decked in full Batgear, the 5-year-old, who had been battling leukemia since before he was two (it is now in remission), took the pitcher's mound and hurled the first pitch with superhero force.

The baseball team tweeted a Vine video of Batkid's arrival, writing, "Here to throw out today's  first pitch it's Miles Scott ," and also showed a video of the crowd's reaction to his throw.

Meanwhile, Instagram user Juan Montalvo shared a video of Batkid's practice pitches with Cain. "Awesome!! Batkid and Matt Cain team up for an unforgettable ceremonial first pitch.#makeawishfoundation#dreamsdocometrue#batkid," he wrote.

In November 2013, Make-a-Wish granted Miles' wish of being a superhero by turning San Fran into Gotham for a day, giving Miles "a fun-filled day of everything Bat," where he performed "feats of derring-do" alongside adult Batman. The action-packed day ended at City Hall, where he was thanked by the mayor and police chief and given a key to the city.





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