健康教育 > 關於癌症的10個事實



 資訊來源 : WHO ( 世界衛生組織 ) http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/cancer/en/index.html


10 facts about cancer

Reviewed January 2013


Cancer affects everyone – the young and old, the rich and poor, men, women and children – and represents a tremendous burden on patients, families and societies. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, particularly in developing countries.

Yet, many of these deaths can be avoided. Over 30% of cancer can be prevented by healthy life style or by immunization against cancer causing infections ( HBV, HPV). Others can be detected early, treated and cured. Even with late stage cancer, the suffering of patients can be relieved with good palliative care.

Portrait of an adolescent girl, Pakistan

Fact 1

There are more than 100 types of cancers; any part of the body can be affected.

A adolescent girl lies down in a hospital bed at the Dar es Salaam Cancer Institute, United Republic of Tanzania.

Fact 2

In 2008, 7.6 million people died of cancer – 13% of all deaths worldwide.

A woman supports a man on a bed.

Fact 3

About 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Portrait of a man diagnosed with lung cancer in hospital, India.

Fact 4

Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill men are (in order of frequency): lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and oesophagus.

A woman, diagnosed with breast cancer, looks from a hospital window, United Republic of Tanzania.

Fact 5

Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill women are (in the order of frequency): breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical. In many developing countries, cervical cancer is the most common cancer.

A group of people smoking.

Fact 6

Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer in the world causing 22% of cancer deaths

A woman, diagnosed with cervical cancer, lies in bed and talks to a friend, Uganda.

Fact 7

One fifth of all cancers worldwide are caused by a chronic infection, for example human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer and hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes liver cancer.

Portrait of an adolescent boy suffering from cancer lying in a hospital bed, Pakistan.

Fact 8

Cancers of major public health relevance such as breast, cervical and colorectal cancer can be cured if detected early and treated adequately.

A young woman cares for a sick woman lying on a bed at home.

Fact 9

All patients in need of pain relief could be helped if current knowledge about pain control and palliative care were applied.

A group of laughing children looking up to the camera.

Fact 10

More than 30% of cancer could be prevented, mainly by not using tobacco, having a healthy diet, being physically active and moderating the use of alcohol. In developing countries up to 20% of cancer deaths could be prevented by immunization against the infection of HBV and HPV.


1. 有100多种癌症,身体的任何部位均可能受到侵袭。
2. 2005年,有760万人死于癌症 – 占全世界5800万死亡的13%。
3. 在所有癌症死亡中,有70%以上发生在低收入和中等收入国家。
4. 就全世界而言,造成男子死亡的5种最常见癌症(按发生频度排列)为肺癌、胃癌、肝癌、结肠直肠癌症和食道癌。
5. 在世界范围内,造成妇女死亡的5种最常见癌症(按发生频度排列)为乳腺癌、肺癌、胃癌、结肠直肠癌和宫颈癌。
6. 烟草使用是全世界癌症的单一最大可预防原因。
7. 全世界有五分之一的癌症是由慢性感染引起的,例如人类乳头瘤病毒引起宫颈癌和乙肝病毒引起肝癌。
8. 如能及早发现和充分治疗,有三分之一癌症可以治愈。
9. 如果应用目前关于疼痛控制和姑息治疗的知识,可帮助需要缓解疼痛的所有患者.
10. 主要通过不使用烟草、健康饮食、身体活动和预防可造成癌症的感染,可预防40%的癌症。





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