醫療新知 > ( 乳癌 ) Nature & Nat Commun:深入理解為何一些乳腺癌很難治療

( 乳癌 ) Nature & Nat Commun:深入理解為何一些乳腺癌很難治療




根據一項得到英國癌症研究中心(Cancer Research UK)資助的新研究,科學家們揭示出至關重要的關於乳腺癌如何產生和與乳腺癌患者存活相關聯的基因變化的新遺傳信息。相關研究結果於2016年5月10日發表在Nature Communications期刊上,論文標題為“The somatic mutation profiles of 2,433 breast cancers refines their genomic and transcriptomic landscapes”。


在這項研究中,來自英國劍橋大學等多家機構的研究人員分析了來自METABRIC研究—它揭示出乳腺癌可被劃分為10種不同的亞型—的腫瘤樣品,以便更加深入地理解這10個亞型的基因缺陷。 研究人員發現40種發生突變的基因可導致乳腺癌發展。在此之前,這些基因中只有一部分已知參與乳腺癌發展。他們也發現在更常見發生突變的基因中的一種被稱作PIK3CA的基因與這10種乳腺癌亞型中的三種亞型的低存活機會相關聯。重要的是,這可能有助解釋為何靶向作用於PIK3CA的藥物只對一些女性有效,而對其他女性沒有效果。



它是由英國癌症研究中心和不列顛哥倫比亞癌症研究中心(British Columbia Cancer Agency)合作開展的。METABRIC研究的結果發表在Nature研究中,論文標題為“The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of 2,000 breast tumours reveals novel subgroups”。

論文共同通信作者Carlos Caldas教授說,“這項METABRIC研究繪制出乳腺癌的基因藍圖。這些新的研究結果讓我們更加詳細地了解哪些基因缺陷可能與不同類型的乳腺癌亞型如何產生和發展相關聯。這些信息可能在未來有助為乳腺癌患者設計臨床試驗,或者給研究人員提供更多的在液體活組織檢測(liquid biopsy)中尋找的生物標志物,其中液體活組織檢測是一種用來檢測死亡的癌細胞釋放在血液中的遺傳物質的測試方法。”

作為英國癌症研究中心的主任臨床醫生,Peter Johnson教授說,“我們的研究繼續強調癌症是如何復雜的,而我們正在比以前更快地成功解決這些難題。這項研究給我們提供更多的關於乳腺癌如何發育和為何一些亞型比其他亞型更難治療的重要信息,而且這種信息對全世界的研究人員而言是一個巨大的資源。這樣的研究將有助我們開發新的診斷測試以便在未來指導對乳腺癌患者的治療。
翻譯整理 : 生物谷 Bioon.com
癌症資訊網獲授權轉載編號 : 101605121700035075

The somatic mutation profiles of 2,433 breast cancers refines their genomic and transcriptomic landscapes


Bernard Pereira, Suet-Feung Chin, Oscar M. Rueda, Hans-Kristian Moen Vollan, Elena Provenzano, Helen A. Bardwell, Michelle Pugh, Linda Jones, Roslin Russell, Stephen-John Sammut, Dana W. Y. Tsui, Bin Liu, Sarah-Jane Dawson, Jean Abraham, Helen Northen, John F. Peden, Abhik Mukherjee, Gulisa Turashvili, Andrew R. Green, Steve McKinney, Arusha Oloumi, Sohrab Shah, Nitzan Rosenfeld, Leigh Murphy, David R. Bentley, Ian O. Ellis, Arnie Purushotham, Sarah E. Pinder, Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale, Helena M. Earl, Paul D. Pharoah, Mark T. Ross, Samuel Aparicio & Carlos Caldas

The genomic landscape of breast cancer is complex, and inter- and intra-tumour heterogeneity are important challenges in treating the disease. In this study, we sequence 173 genes in 2,433 primary breast tumours that have copy number aberration (CNA), gene expression and long-term clinical follow-up data. We identify 40 mutation-driver (Mut-driver) genes, and determine associations between mutations, driver CNA profiles, clinical-pathological parameters and survival. We assess the clonal states of Mut-driver mutations, and estimate levels of intra-tumour heterogeneity using mutant-allele fractions. Associations between PIK3CA mutations and reduced survival are identified in three subgroups of ER-positive cancer (defined by amplification of 17q23, 11q13–14 or 8q24). High levels of intra-tumour heterogeneity are in general associated with a worse outcome, but highly aggressive tumours with 11q13–14 amplification have low levels of intra-tumour heterogeneity. These results emphasize the importance of genome-based stratification of breast cancer, and have important implications for designing therapeutic strategies.


The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of 2,000 breast tumours reveals novel subgroups


Christina Curtis, Sohrab P. Shah, Suet-Feung Chin, Gulisa Turashvili, Oscar M. Rueda, Mark J. Dunning, Doug Speed, Andy G. Lynch, Shamith Samarajiwa, Yinyin Yuan, Stefan Gräf, Gavin Ha, Gholamreza Haffari, Ali Bashashati, Roslin Russell, Steven McKinney, METABRIC Group, Anita Langerød, Andrew Green, Elena Provenzano, Gordon Wishart, Sarah Pinder, Peter Watson, Florian Markowetz, Leigh Murphy, Ian Ellis, Arnie Purushotham, Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale, James D. Brenton, Simon Tavaré, Carlos Caldas & Samuel Aparicio

The elucidation of breast cancer subgroups and their molecular drivers requires integrated views of the genome and transcriptome from representative numbers of patients. We present an integrated analysis of copy number and gene expression in a discovery and validation set of 997 and 995 primary breast tumours, respectively, with long-term clinical follow-up. Inherited variants (copy number variants and single nucleotide polymorphisms) and acquired somatic copy number aberrations (CNAs) were associated with expression in ~40% of genes, with the landscape dominated by cis- and trans-acting CNAs. By delineating expression outlier genes driven in cis by CNAs, we identified putative cancer genes, including deletions in PPP2R2A, MTAP and MAP2K4. Unsupervised analysis of paired DNA–RNA profiles revealed novel subgroups with distinct clinical outcomes, which reproduced in the validation cohort. These include a high-risk, oestrogen-receptor-positive 11q13/14 cis-acting subgroup and a favourable prognosis subgroup devoid of CNAs. Trans-acting aberration hotspots were found to modulate subgroup-specific gene networks, including a TCR deletion-mediated adaptive immune response in the ‘CNA-devoid’ subgroup and a basal-specific chromosome 5 deletion-associated mitotic network. Our results provide a novel molecular stratification of the breast cancer population, derived from the impact of somatic CNAs on the transcriptome.



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