統計分析 > (乳癌): 腫瘤基因某些特定組合 透露癌症復發可能性

(乳癌): 腫瘤基因某些特定組合 透露癌症復發可能性



編輯陳慧真/綜合整理 ( 民報 )


科學研究發現,腫瘤基因的某些特定組合,可能容易導致癌症復發。來自劍橋的Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute研究團隊表示,針對這些基因及早進行治療將成為關鍵。

這項研究發表於維也納舉行的歐洲癌症大會(European Cancer Congress)。該研究指出,大約五分之一的乳癌患者有復發的可能,不論是在原發腫瘤的同一處,或者轉移到身體的其他部位。

臨床研究腫瘤學家露西‧葉茨博士(Dr Lucy Yates)分析了1,000名乳癌病患的腫瘤資料,包括161位癌症復發或擴散的病人。當比較原發性和繼發性腫瘤後,他們發現存在於繼發性腫瘤的顯著基因差異和突變,在首次癌症診斷中相對少見。這項發現顯示,一些原發性腫瘤中癌症基因的互補,使他們更有可能在未來復發。



大會的科學聯席主席Peter Naredi教授表示:「這項研究強調,我們應將癌症的復發當成一個新事件來考量,並針對復發的腫瘤謹慎選擇正確的治療,而非僅依賴第一次發病的資訊。」

紐約斯隆凱特林紀念癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre)的Jorge Reis-Filho博士說,這項研究顯示了做治療決策時分析癌症擴散之基因特徵的重要性。


癌症不僅跟遺傳基因相關,更受人們生活型態的影響。美國癌症研究院發表的〈Stopping Cancer Before It Starts〉指出,近八成的癌症根源與生活型態有關,而遺傳相關的危險因子則僅佔約一成多,剩下不到一成則是來自環境風險。國民健康署表示,建立健康的生活型態,高纖低脂少肉的飲食,避免菸、酒、檳榔,並且定期接受篩檢,是預防各種癌症的共通法則。



Genetic clue to breast cancer relapses BBC News – Health, 2015/09/25.

103年國人死因統計結果  衛生福利部,2015/06/17。


Genetic clue to breast cancer relapses

  • 25 September 2015

  • From the sectionHealth
Secondary or metastatic breast cancerImage copyrightScience Photo Library

Scientists say they have discovered a genetic clue to why some breast cancers relapse, which could lead to better treatment.

A research team from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge found that cancers that return were more likely to contain certain genes or combinations of genes.

Targeting these genes with early treatments could be key, they said.

The study is being presented at the European Cancer Congress in Vienna.

In around one in five people with breast cancer, the disease will return – either to the same place as the original tumour or another part of the body.

Dr Lucy Yates, clinical research oncologist from the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, and her colleagues analysed data from the tumours of 1,000 breast cancer patients including 161 people whose cancer had recurred or spread.

When comparing primary and secondary tumours, they found noticeable genetic differences and several of the mutations present in the secondary cancers were relatively uncommon in cancers diagnosed for the first time.

Dr Yates said the patterns they found suggested that the complement of cancer genes in some primary cancers may make them more likely to relapse in the future, while additional cancer genes acquired after diagnosis may drive the cancer relapse.

She said doctors might be able to use this knowledge to identify patients at high risk of their cancer returning and pick the best treatment for targeting particular genetic mutations.

This would mean taking regular samples of cancer tissue to track how the disease is progressing and changing.

Dr Yates said: "Further work is needed to validate these findings in much larger datasets, but we hope that in the future it will be possible at the point of diagnosis to look at the cancer genes in an individual's cancer and determine whether it is likely to return in the future and, if so, to select a personalised therapy to prevent that event."

Prof Peter Naredi, scientific co-chair of the congress, said the results of the research were "very important in the era of precision medicine".

He said: "This study underlines the fact that we should consider a recurrence of a cancer as a new event and carefully select the right treatment for the recurrent tumour as opposed to just relying on information from the first occurrence."

Dr Jorge Reis-Filho, from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, said the study demonstrated "the importance of analysing the genetic features of metastases when making treatment decisions".



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