根據2022年的調查,香港女性沒有子女比率上升至43.2%,夫婦每月平均性行為次數降至3.1次。這可能是因為職業壓力等原因。生育能力的恢復取決於治療方法和個人體質,中西醫結合治療可提高生育機會。癌症病人在手術、化放或標靶治療皆影響生育能力。中醫可以調理氣血津液,促進生育能力的恢復;西醫可以運用生育力保存技術和藥物治療。癌症病人同時服用中藥和西藥時,可能會有相互作用,影響治療效果。服用中藥可以調理身體,但對於癌症治療的助益仍需進一步研究。服用西藥治療時,與中藥保健品可能會有相互作用,應謹慎使用。麥思敏醫生 同 黃韻婷博士 一齊深入探討這些中西藥的問題!
A recent survey in Hong Kong revealed that the rate of childless women has doubled to 43.2% in the past decade. Occupational stress has led to a decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse among couples, from 4.3 times per month to 3.1 times. The fertility of genders was impaired during surgery, chemo, radio or target therapies in cancer patients. Restoring fertility depends on treatment methods and individual constitution. Integrating traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine can enhance the chances of successful pregnancy. TCM regulates Qi, blood, and body fluids to promote natural fertility restoration, while Western medicine offers fertility preservation techniques and medication. Using TCM and Western medicine together requires caution, as interactions may affect treatment effectiveness. The speakers will address these concerns in their discussion. Dr Jennifer Mak and Dr Wendy Wong grateful for the chance to share!
贊助 Sponsor:
Swire Properties
合辦機構 Co-organisers:
香港小童群益會 The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Agency for Volunteer Service 義務工作發展局