籌款,募捐 > PINK DESSERTS粉紅市集 暨 「粉紅甜品2021」慈善義賣

PINK DESSERTS粉紅市集 暨 「粉紅甜品2021」慈善義賣




#pinkdesserts2021  #asiabreastregistry 

#香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫  #支持遺傳性症患者

PINK DESSERTS粉紅市集首次登場﹗今年夏天,香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫(下稱「資料庫」)走入本地週末市集,帶來期間限定「粉紅甜品2021」福袋及遺傳性癌症的資訊,讓公眾更了解由基因突變誘發的遺傳性癌症,以及「資料庫」的各項服務。


現凡於 「資料庫」 網頁(https://asiabreastregistry.com/tw/donation-form-hk) 捐款港幣$50或以上,於7月1日至7月4日期間到「資料庫」PINK DESSERTS粉紅市集攤位出示捐款證明,即可換領福袋乙個*,數量有限,送完即止。於PINK DESSERTS粉紅市集, Like 「資料庫」Facebook page及Follow Instagram,更可即場獲贈「粉紅甜味」糖果及精美紀念品乙份,名額有限,先到先得,送完即止。


日期:    2021年7月1日 – 4日(星期四至日)
時間:    12:00-22:00
地點:    奔墟 We Connect Mall市集 – 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道388號 Mall Plus 1/F –「資料庫」攤位
查詢電話:3155 6500


* 為食格格.手作仔 無添加鳳梨酥
* 喜瑪拉雅山岩鹽薄荷糖(檸檬味)
* 喜瑪拉雅山岩鹽薄荷糖(薑檸檬味)
* Teeny Bakery寵物小食
* KT’s Factory HK$25現金禮券
* botanic Coffee HK$100 現金禮券
* BodiBra HK$200 現金禮券


由「資料庫」主辦的年度城中最甜蜜、最有意義的活動 –「粉紅甜品2021」慈善義賣旨在提高市民對遺傳性癌症的關注及籌集善款,為基因突變癌症患者及其家族成員提供適切服務。




關於我們 :


網址 : www.asiabreastregistry.com




PINK DESSERTS First Debut at Weekend Market &

“Pink Desserts 2021″Charity Sale

#pinkdesserts2021  #asiabreastregistry 

#香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫  #支持遺傳性症患者


(Hong Kong25 June 2021) Organized by Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry (“THE REGISTRY”) for the first time, PINK DESSERTS 2021 makes its debut at local weekend market this summer. Besides shopping at the weekend market, visitors can learn more about hereditary cancers induced by genetic mutations and the services of THE REGISTRY.


Making an online donation of HK$50 or above at THE REGISTRY’s official website https://asiabreastregistry.com/ en/donation-form and with the proof of it, each donor can get a limited edition “PINK DESSERTS 2021 gift pack” at THE REGISTRY’s booth from 1st Jul to 4th Jul. The gift packs are redeemed on a first come first serve basis while the stock lasts. Meanwhile, visitors who LIKE Facebook page and FOLLOW Instagram @asiabreastregistry can get sweet pink candy and souvenirs (first come first serve basis while the stock lasts).


PINK DESSERTS X Weekend Market

Date:    1– 4 July, 2021 (Thu– Sun)
Time:    12:00-22:00
Location: We Connect Mall Market, 1/F Mall Plus, 388 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay
Enquiry: 3155 6500

*Limited edition “PINK DESSERTS 2021” gift pack, which includes:

* Kicorner – Pineapple Cake
* Big Foot Himalaya Salt Mint Candy (Lemon Flavour)
* Big Foot Himalaya Salt Mint Candy (Ginger & Lemon Flavour)
* Teeny Bakery Mini Pet Treat
* KT’s Factory HK$25 Cash Voucher
* botanic Coffee HK$100 Cash Voucher
* BodiBra HK$200 Cash Voucher

Being the sweetest and the most meaningful event in town organized by THE REGISTRY, PINK DESSERTS 2021 Charity Sale aims to increase the public awareness of hereditary cancers and raise funds for providing appropriate services for cancer patients with genetic mutations and the high-risk family members of cancer patients.

This year, the charity sale is supported by over 30 merchants including five-star hotels, catering groups, coffee shops, beverage chains and online stores. From July to September, with every purchase of designated pink desserts or designated products at the participating merchants, a portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to THE REGISTRY for financing the underserved high-risk families to undergo genetic testing, counseling and other clinical services.

 Enjoy sweet treats and spread love to those in need! 

DESSERTS 2021 Charity Sale Sponsors and Participating Merchants:

About us:

Established in 2007, Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry (“THE REGISTRY”) is the only and first-ever charitable organization dedicated to help the high-risk families who have hereditary risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer due to BRCA and other gene mutations. We also aim to advance and standardize clinical care by formulating preventative measures through data collection, research, public education, counseling and supportive care services in reducing the incidence of hereditary cancers in Chinese population. THE REGISTRY now has the largest database and bio bank of hereditary breast cancers specimens in Chinese which would facilitate better understanding and research of the disease locally and worldwide. THE REGISTRY has raised funds for financing the underserved high - risk families in the community to undergo genetic testing and counseling and has benefited over 4,800 individuals involving 3,600 families up to now. THE REGISTRY has designed a BOP triple colour ribbon, based on interlacing three ribbons in the international colours of Breast, Ovarian and Prostate Cancers Awareness respectively, emphasizing the interlink among these cancers due to hereditary causes.

 Website: www.asiabreastregistry.com



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