
詳情: https://bit.ly/3cs6cNi
【Largest number of successful BMA cases】Thoracic surgical team of CU Medicine has become the most experienced team worldwide in performing non-invasive Bronchoscopic Microwave Ablation (BMA) in hybrid operating room for lung cancer treatment.
The team, led by Professor Calvin NG from the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Department of Surgery, performed the Asia-Pacific’s first BMA case in March of 2019. As of 13 June 2021, 71 BMA cases have been successfully performed by the team. The operation results in no blood loss and over 80% of cases reported no post-procedural pain. The majority of BMA cases were discharged on the following day which is much quicker than conventional treatment by minimally invasive surgery that entails hospital stay of 3 to 5 days.
BMA is performed in a hybrid operating room with state of the art CT scan and imaging facilities. Through the use of electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB), surgeons precisely deploy an antenna for ablation into the lung cancer and thermally destroy the diseased tissue by the emitted microwave energy.
Professor Ng stated, “Our experience shows that BMA is safe, feasible and effective. This represents an important future treatment modality for early stage lung cancers in select patients. Together with ENB biopsy and intra-operative pathological evaluation, BMA in the hybrid operating room is capable of providing a one-stop diagnosis and treatment for suspicious lung nodules.”
This novel approach to lung cancer treatment can be offered to patients with high surgical risks or have declined surgery and radiotherapy. Smaller lung tumours and those located at the periphery are favourable radiologic features for BMA.
More details: https://bit.ly/3cs6cNi