統計分析 > 研究發現,將近3分之2癌症的發生是因為「運氣不好」




  • 美國《科學》期刊的最新研究顯示,將近3分之2的癌症發生是無可避免的,就算健康生活也會照樣罹癌。(法新社)


美國約翰霍普金斯大學金墨爾癌症中心(Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center),針對32種癌症中的突變異常細胞生長進行研究。

研究人員使用DNA測序(DNA sequencing)以及流行病學資料,建立數學模型以評估細胞分裂錯誤在罹癌中扮演的角色。




研究共同作者格爾斯泰因(Bert Vogelstein)指出,人們應避免致癌的生活及環境因素。然而,許多人仍將由於隨機的DNA分裂錯誤而罹癌,最好是及早接受癌症測檢、及早治療。


Most cancer mutations are due to random DNA copying 'mistakes'

Science Daily – ‎Mar 23, 2017‎
Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists report data from a new study providing evidence that random, unpredictable DNA copying "mistakes" account for nearly two-thirds of the mutations that cause cancer. … However, many people will still 

Study finds most cancers occur randomly and are unavoidable

Becker's Hospital Review – ‎6 hours ago‎
For the study, published in the journal Science, researchers from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore created a mathematical model based on DNA sequencing and epidemiologic data from around the globe. … "We need to continue to encourage 

Behind the science: Hopkins oncologists discuss their research on the random mutations that cause cancer

The Hub at Johns Hopkins – ‎Mar 23, 2017‎
In a new study examining cancer databases around the world, Johns Hopkins scientists in the Kimmel Cancer Center have discovered that random, unpredictable DNA copying "mistakes" account for nearly two-thirds of the mutations that cause cancer 

Study: Majority of Cancer Mutations Caused by Random DNA Copying Errors

Laboratory Equipment – ‎13 hours ago‎
However, occasionally they occur in a cancer driver gene, which is just “bad luck,” study author Bert Vogelstein, M.D., co-director of the Ludwig Center at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, said at a press conference about the research. … on 

Most cancer mutations result from DNA copying errors

Medical News Today – ‎19 hours ago‎
Two thirds of the mutations that cause cancer may be due to random, unpredictable DNA copying "mistakes," according to scientists from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore, MD. These errors are reported to occur regardless of lifestyle 

Most mutations in cancer are random DNA mistakes: study

Yahoo News – ‎16 hours ago‎
"Two-thirds of the mutations that occur in cancers are due to the mistakes that cells make when they divide," co-author Bert Vogelstein, co-director of the Ludwig Center at the Johns Hopkins University Kimmel Cancer Center, said at a news conference.


DNA 'typos' may cause 66% of cancer mutations

Futurity: Research News – ‎13 hours ago‎
The study used a new mathematical model based on DNA sequencing and epidemiologic data from around the world. The findings do not in any way suggest that we give up on healthy lifestyles … “We need to continue to encourage people to avoid 


2024-09-11 2:00 下午 9月骨骼運動班



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