寰宇搜奇 / 母擕同6個孩子捐髮助癌童


五月 9, 2018

美國一名母親帶著6個留著長髮的兒子一同到髮型屋,狠狠將長髮全部剪去,以幫助因化療而失去頭髮的癌症病童。兒子們不畏同儕排擠、嘲笑,堅持蓄髮行善的行為, 得到無數網民讚賞.

Mom and 6 Sons Donate a Combined 17 Feet Of Hair After Friend Dies of Cancer

A mother and her six sons all got their hair cut together for a good cause. For these boys, it’s been two years since their last appointment, and a total of 17 feet of hair was cut off and donated to a charity in honor of a friend who recently lost his battle with cancer. The kids say they’d grow out their hair again, but next time they hope their 2-year-old sister’s hair will be long enough to join them. InsideEdition.com’s Leigh Scheps (http://twitter.com/leightvreporter) has more.

