癌症資訊網製作 / 揭秘🔍日本細胞免疫治療🧬 到底日本細胞免疫治療的過程是如何進行 |由什麼機構去負責規管治療 | 可以用在什麼腫瘤上 |有什麼潛在的副作用 Japan cell therapy

揭秘🔍日本細胞免疫治療🧬 到底日本細胞免疫治療的過程是如何進行 |由什麼機構去負責規管治療 | 可以用在什麼腫瘤上 |有什麼潛在的副作用 Japan cell therapy

十月 24, 2024

鳴謝 內科腫瘤科醫生 吳劍邦醫生  授權轉載影片,讓更多病人了解日本 細胞免疫治療 是如何進行、 當中的潛在的副作用及風險!

大家對免疫治療這個詞語都不陌生,但是有一種免疫治療叫細胞免疫治療,在香港暫時唯一一種能夠核準的細胞免疫治療叫CAR-T細胞,但是日本使用細胞免疫治療的歷史比較悠久,我這次來到✈️東京這裡 拜訪一位日本的同行👨🏼‍⚕️, 去看一下他們細胞免疫治療到底是如何去做

Everyone is familiar with the term immunotherapy. There is a type of immunotherapy called cellular immunotherapy. The only type of cellular immunotherapy that can be approved in Hong Kong is called CAR-T. However, Japan has a long history of using cellular immunotherapy. This time I came to Tokyo to visit a Japanese doctor to see how they proceed cellular immunotherapy

0:00 開始 Start
2:47 日本目前細胞療法的法律📜地位 What is the legal status of cell therapy in Japan
4:49 細胞療法的原理和機制🧬是什麼 What are the principle and mechanism of cell therapy
8:19 哪一類癌症病人可接受細胞療法 What kind of cancer can be treated by cell therapy
9:34 細胞療法是如何進行? 如何注射💉? 療程是多長間期? How cell therapy be performed? What is the mode of administration? How long is the treatment interval?
12:26 細胞療法的潛在副作用是什麼 What are the potential side effects of cell therapy
13:10 細胞療法可以和其他傳統治療例如化療和標靶同時進行嗎 Can cell therapy be given concurrently with other conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and targeted therapy

本影片只是與不同國家之間醫生的學術交流, 不代表視頻創作者對內容中的治療持有特定立場 This video is just an academic exchange with doctors from different countries. It does not represent that the video creator holds a specific position on the treatment in the content


2025-03-22 10:00 上午 聊·愈:甜品工作坊

