自由論壇 > 郭林老師生平事蹟




郭林(1909 - 1984),原名林冠明,又名林妹殊。廣東中山三鄉人,父名林文,乃辛亥革命烈士。父殉難郭林時二歲,舉家移居澳門,六歲隨祖父(醫齡寺道士)膝下習童子功及華陀五禽戲。其後由於習畫,曾遍遊中國名山廟觀,常流連數月,以便就教於高僧老道,綜合儒釋道名家,因此奠定了日後練功的基礎。故郭林一生,除乃祖醫林道士外,別無師承,其所練新氣功,實屬一己之獨創。十四歲隻身一赴廣州求學,入廣東省女子師範學校,攻讀藝術科,在校期間由於才思敏捷,善詞令,被推選學生會主席,及後被推選為廣州市,學生抗日請願團副團長,率隊赴南京,向國民政府請願。畢業後在廣州市中小學任教,抗日戰爭爆發,避居香港,創辦同德、華南書院,後又在上海創辦上海女子藝術學院,均自任院長。解放後入北京畫院,擔任中國國畫的創作工作。〖郭林〗乃是為紀念雙親,取父母之姓,別名為郭林。


郭林自幼聰穎過人,勤奮好學,酷愛繪畫及體育運動,曾獲廣州女子萬米長跑冠軍、女子自行車賽冠軍 、並在廣州 、香港 、澳門等地 ,多次舉辦個人國畫展覽 ,被譽為廣州市的奇女子 。

1949年初 ,郭林突患子宮癌作全切手術 ,1959年癌轉移膀胱 ,手術後 ,郭林遂萌生以氣功為抗癌康復的手段 ,於是開始大量研讀中外醫學書籍 ,攻讀醫理學 、病理學 、解剖學 、經絡學 、心理學等著作 ,同時廣交氣功名師 ,經過十年的讀書與操練氣功的實踐 ,終於創立了一套自成體系的“新氣功療法” 。

在創功過程中 ,郭林發現 ,自身的癌症 ,不但沒有復發 ,且身上多年的慢性病 ,諸如 :心臟病 、關節炎 、高血壓都不藥而愈 。郭林暗自思忖 ,如果這套功法 ,真能治療慢性病及癌症 ,這對人類將是一大貢獻 。於是毅然於1971年9月4日 ,走向社會 ,向廣大病患者 ,傳授她創設的這套易學效高的新氣功療法 。


由於新氣功療效獨特 ,深受患者歡迎 ,廣大病員如潮水般湧來 ,當時正直十年浩劫 ,在教功中 ,屢受打擊 ,郭林毫不動搖 ,她堅信自己的行動 ,是造福人類的偉大事業 ,始終不取分文 ,熱心為病人教功治病 ,對經濟困難的病人 ,慷慨解囊 ,並出資為他提供營養品 ,深受病人愛戴 。

1980年 ,郭林已年屆古稀 ,為了向全國宣傳和普及新氣功療法 ,不辭辛勞 ,遠赴廣州 、上海 、南京 、無錫 、杭州 、桂林、成都 、天津 、石家莊 、瀋陽 、撫順 、青島等地巡迴講學 。足跡遍及半個中國 。其他還出版了〖新氣功療法〗(初級功 、中級功) 、〖新氣功防治癌症法〗 、〖新氣功五禽戲〗 、〖新氣功療法圖解〗(初 、中 、高級功) 、〖新氣功療法治癌病例選篇〗等著作 ,有些版本再印刷達十二次 ,累計再印數達二百餘萬冊 ,為我國氣功著作出書量最多的作者 。 

新氣功療法 ,由於郭林的辛勤播種 ,不但在國內廣為流傳 ,並且迅速傳播至美國 、加拿大 、日本 、星加坡 、菲律賓 、馬來西亞 、印尼及台港澳地區 。



郭林因為傳播新氣功 。終因勞累過度 ,於1984年12月14日突患腦出血病逝於北京 ,享年75歲 。 

郭林逝世後 ,由於她生前對中國氣功事業 ,作出過巨大貢獻 ,氣功界領導及醫學人士 ,曾對郭林作出過很高的讚譽 。

由於郭林把中國氣功的傳授方式 ,由單傳及小範圍傳授 ,發展為大範圍的群體教授 ,中國氣功科學研究會 ,原理事長張震寰 ,稱讚郭林為掀起中國氣功新高潮的帶頭人 ;李志庸著的〖中國氣功史〗讚譽郭林為:“氣功防治癌症實踐的最傑出的代表 。” 郭林的家鄉 ,廣東中山市三鄉鎮政府 ,為表彰郭林的功跡 , 為其在家鄉建一座 “郭林紀念亭” 。中國氣功科學研究會文獻委員會陶秉福主任說 ,郭林對中國氣功有三大貢獻 ,又可以說是三個第一 :“第一個把中國氣功的世襲單傳 ,轉變為為廣大病員授功治病 、第一個提出氣功可以防治癌症 ;第一個提倡西醫 中醫 、氣功綜合治療癌症” 。世界醫學氣功學會副會長 ,醫學博士馮理達教授 ,創建 “中華氣功園” ,並在該園修建一座碑林 ,為頌揚對祖國氣功 ,作出過重大貢獻的已故氣功家 ,樹立豐功碑 ,郭林的紀念碑在碑林中排在第一位 ,碑上刻著 “著名氣功大師郭林”八個金色大字 。

郭林的逝世 ,是我國氣功界的一大損失 。為了緬懷這位偉大的大師 ,我們要學習她無私無畏的奉
獻精神 ,學習她在淫威面前不低頭 ,在金錢面前不動搖 ,在挫折面前不氣餒 ,在困難面前不退縮 ,
這些精神 、使郭林的英名 、永存史冊 。







Guo Lin 's Profile

Guo Lin, Founder of the New QigongGuo Lin, a renowned qigong master as well as a painter of the Southern School of Traditional Chinese Painting, was born in April 1909 in the County of Zhongshan, Guangdong Province. She was also known as Lin Guanming and Meishu.

Since childhood Guo Lin was well versed in the ancient form of Qigong exercise. In the late 1940 Guo Lin was afflicted with cancer and was treated with six surgeries over a period of time but the cancer never abated. To counter this cancer threat to her live, she turned to the ancient qigong and adapted it to suit her medical conditions. In doing so, she researched extensively into both the traditional Chinese and the Western medicines, sought the advice of qigong masters she had access to, and evolved the ancient qigong exercise into a modified form that she practised for 20 years since. After practising this new modified form of Qigong, her cancer had abated.
Calling this modified form of qigong as New Qigong and with the conviction that the New Qigong is an exercise for the people she unveiled New Qigong to the public in September 4, 1971 thus becoming the first Qigong master to treat cancer through this form of exercise that incorporates controlled breathing. Since then thousands of cancer patients have taken part in her Qigong therapy classes at various coaching centers, located over 20 cities and provinces in China, and have attained remissions from this life threatening disease. In addition great number of qualified Qigong instructions have since been trained in this New Qigong exercise. Strongly believing that cancer should be countered through a Three prongs approach incorporating both Chinese and Western medicines with Qigong therapy simultaneously, Guo Lin set up in July 1982 in Xia Huliang in Zhuoxian County, Hebei Province, the first hospital in China that adopt this three prongs approach for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Her achievements have won the recognition and support of the Party, government, medical doctors from both Chinese and Western medicine as well as Qigong masters.an exercise for the people she unveiled New Qigong to the public in September 4, 1971 thus Calling this modified form of qigong as New Qigong and with the conviction that the New Qigong is ecoming the first Qigong master to treat cancer through this form of exercise that incorporates controlled breathing. Since then thousands of cancer patients have taken part in her Qigong therapy classes at various coaching centers, located over 20 cities and provinces in China, and have attained remissions from this life threatening disease. In addition great number of qualified Qigong instructions have since been trained in this New Qigong exercise. Strongly believing that cancer should be countered through a Three prongs approach incorporating both Chinese and Western medicines with Qigong therapy simultaneously, Guo Lin set up in July 1982 in Xia Huliang in Zhuoxian County, Hebei Province, the first hospital in China that adopt this Three prongs approach for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Her achievements have won the recognition and support of the Party, government, medical doctors from both Chinese and Western medicine as well as Qigong masters.

Guo Lin died on December 14, 1984 at the age of 75 of cerebral hemorrhage resulting from over commitment to her work. Since her death her legacy has been carried to greater heights through the Guo Lin Qigong Research Society comprising of qigong practitioners and enthusiasts.

Master Guo Lin will be remembered for her contribution to the development of Chinese qigong exercises.



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