舒緩治療 > 2015 Quality of Death Index 臨終病人死亡品質全球性調查

2015 Quality of Death Index 臨終病人死亡品質全球性調查



根據英國「經濟學人智庫(Economist Intelligence Unit)」公布的臨終病人死亡品質全球性調查,台灣在亞洲18個地區中名列第三, 全球排名第六.

積極投入推動善终 / 安寧緩和醫療的新加坡全球排第十二, 香港則排名第廿二。


這項臨終病人死亡品質(Quality of Death)全球性調查,2015年受調查國家增加為80個。

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善终 / 纾緩服務的資訊及知識 : www.ha.org.hk/haho/ho/hacp/121698c.htm


The first edition of the Quality of Death Index was published in 2010, which sparked a series of policy debates over the provision of palliative care around the world. What has changed since then?

The UK ranks first in the 2015 Quality of Death Index, a measure of the quality of palliative care in 80 countries around the world released today by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Its ranking is due to comprehensive national policies, the extensive integration of palliative care into the National Health Service, a strong hospice movement, and deep community engagement on the issue. The UK also came top in the first Quality of Death Index, produced in 2010.

The Quality of Death Index, commissioned by the Lien Foundation, a Singaporean philanthropic organisation, is based on extensive research and interviews with over 120 palliative care experts from across the world. It shows that in general, income levels are a strong indicator of the availability and quality of palliative care, with wealthy countries clustered at the top. Australia and New Zealand take second and third place, as they did in 2010, while rich European and Asian countries dominate the top 20, along with the US in 9th place and Canada in 11th.

As expected, many developing countries are still unable to provide basic pain management due to limitations in staff and basic infrastructure. Yet some countries with lower income levels demonstrate the power of innovation and individual initiative. For example, Panama (31st) is building palliative care into its primary care services, Mongolia (28th) has seen rapid growth in hospice facilities and teaching programmes, and Uganda (35th) has made huge advances in the availability of opioid painkillers.

For the first time The EIU has also compared the supply of palliative care—as revealed in the Index—with the demand for such care. The demand analysis, based on countries’ demographic profiles and the burden of diseases for which palliative care is necessary, shows China to be among the most vulnerable from population ageing and the rising incidence of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, which accounted for one-third of all deaths in the country in 2012. Many other developing countries will also need to work hard to meet rising future need as the incidence of non-communicable disease increases and their populations grow older.



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