其他 > 【專業研討會】推動香港中西醫結合治療—-肺癌交流研討會


Promoting the Communication of Chinese and Western Medicines in Hong Kong – Lung Cancer Symposium
【立即報名 Registration link 】
中醫:此活動已獲香港中醫藥管理委員會接納為認可的註冊中醫進修項目(CME-PP0001-25009 2月15日;CME-PP0001-25010 2月16日)
西醫:Application for CME Accreditation – Vetted (Ref No.: AA12344)



Western medicine and Chinese medicine can play complementary roles in many diseases. In the treatment of cancer, the combination of Chinese and Western medicines is also the choice of most cancer patients. Cancerinformation.com.hk Charity Foundation is honored to receive funding support from the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme to organize the ‘Promoting the Communication of Chinese and Western Medicines in Hong Kong – Lung Cancer Medicine Symposium’, which aims to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas between Chinese medicine practitioners and Western medicine Doctors, so as to promote the integrated treatment of Chinese and Western medicine in Hong Kong, and to enable cancer patients to receive more diversified treatments.

The symposium will bring together experienced experts in Chinese and Western medicine to speak on a variety of professional topics and to share in-depth information on the latest techniques in the clinical management of lung cancer, the latest advances in integrated Chinese and Western medicine, and the latest diagnostic methods. The aim is to raise the standard of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in Hong Kong, especially in the field of lung cancer, and to combine experts from both sides to open up more medical possibilities for patients.





This programme is targeted at registered medical practitioners, registered Chinese medicine practitioners, registered pharmacists, registered nurses and related professionals. We cordially invite eligible persons to register for the event, either in person or online.

Lunch will be provided to on-site participants.

On-site registration will not be accepted.

🔎【活動詳情 Details
•⁠ ⁠日期⁠Date:2025年2月15日-16日,可自由選擇出席日子
•⁠ 時間Time:9AM-4:30PM(HKT)
•⁠ ⁠地點⁠Venue:富豪香港酒店-Regal Hong Kong Hotel,  Ballroom.(香港銅鑼灣怡和街88號. 88 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay)


#Hong Kong SBRT Study Group
#Association of Doctors for Social Responsibility

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