MPhil(ShefU), MPhyt(MSK PT)(MelbU), BSc(Hons)PT(PolyU), Dip Med(CUHK), PGDip(HSM)(HKUSPACE)

性別︰ |
男 |
專業資格︰ |
- 英國謝菲爾德大學哲學碩士
- 澳洲墨爾本大學物理治療學(骨骼肌肉科物理治療學)碩士
- 香港理工大學物理治療學(榮譽)理學士
- 香港中文大學內科醫學文憑
- 香港大學專業進修學院醫療行政管理深造文憑
註冊專科︰ |
物理治療 |
地址︰ |
屯門地區康健中心 (營運機構: 基督教香港信義會)
語言或方言︰ |
廣東話, 英文, 國語 |
電郵地址︰ |
[email protected] / [email protected] |
他是”前”香港理工大學康復治療科學系臨床導師(物理治療) 。”前”香港理工大學康復治療診所顧問。”前”香港理工大學的運動員訓練及康復計劃統籌 。曾任物理治療碩士(中國) 及物理治療碩士課程之臨床教學統籌。曾任香港復康會一級物理治療師,曾任四川地震災區社區康復資源中心隊長,是創始人之一。四川省汶川地震發生後,他曾於四川省內多個災區建立和管理四川地震災區社區康復資源中心,提供災後社區康復服務。
Law Ying Man (Angus)
Angus received his Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PoyU), Master of Philosophy degree (major in Health Services Research) from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom (UK) and Master of Physiotherapy degree (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) from the University of Melbourne in Australia.
He is a ex-Clinical Associate in Physiotherapy (i.e. Lecturer) teaching physiotherapy programmes for PolyU and a ex-Consultant in Physiotherapy for the Rehabilitation Clinic of PolyU. He was the ex-Clinical Coordinator for the Master in Physical Therapy (China) and Master of Physiotherapy programmes of PolyU within the mainland China and in Hong Kong. He was the Team Leader and Physiotherapist 1 of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation for the Community-Based Rehabilitation Resources Centre for Earthquake Zones in Sichuan after the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in the mainland China.
He is a Committee Member of the Disaster Rehabilitation Committee of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, an International Committee Member and International Senior Classifier for Wheelchair Fencing for the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health and a Member of the Society for Rehabilitation Research in the UK. He is a Member of the Australian College of Physiotherapists and a Member of the Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia of the Australian Physiotherapy Association in Australia. He was an Official International Classifier for Wheelchair Fencing in international sports events including the Para-Asian Games in Korea in 2014 and in Indonesia in 2018. He is a Medical Advisor of the Hong Kong Ankylosing Spondylosis Association and a Member of Volunteer Medical Team of Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled.
He was awarded with the Investigator Award by the European Stroke Research Foundation and won a Bronze Award in the Learning Technologies Awards (in the Best use of mobile learning category) in London.