自由論壇 > 【撐少女定校方?】削髮為癌症病人籌款 畀學校話犯校規處分 / Girl isolated by Penzance school after charity head shave

【撐少女定校方?】削髮為癌症病人籌款 畀學校話犯校規處分 / Girl isolated by Penzance school after charity head shave


【撐少女定校方?】削髮為癌症病人籌款 畀學校話犯校規處分









14歲鮑德溫(Niamh Baldwin)替一個專門為癌症患者編織假髮的組織「Little Princess Trust」籌款,於是將一頭長髮剃頭,卻遭到學校指她的「髮型」不合校規而受處分。






但校方堅持不讓步,校長戴維(Sara Davey)稱校規早已列明學生的儀容規定,學生亦知道違規的後果。如果鮑德溫事前先告知校方,老師就會阻止及建議另一種籌款方法。校長說:「這個政策在我們的校規上已出現了很多年,不容許包括剃頭在內極端的髮型,這在全英國的學校都很常見。」







Girl isolated by Penzance school after charity head shave




Niamh Baldwin's hair was judged to be 1cm too short to be included in lessons by her school, her mother said




A girl was put into isolation at her school after she had her head shaved for charity.


Niamh Baldwin, 14, was taken out of classes by Mounts Bay Academy in Penzance because of the haircut.


She had donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for ill children suffering from hair loss.


The school said her appearance was "confusing and upsetting" to students, and it was unaware the charity event was taking place.



More news from Devon and Cornwall.

Anneka Baldwin, Niamh's mother, said her child's hair style should not decide whether she can be in class.


"I am so upset that the school has made her feel so low," she said, branding the decision a form of "discrimination".




Niamh Baldwin before her charity head shave





After being put in isolation on Thursday, Niamh did not attend school on Friday due to being upset at the prospect of being put in isolation again, her mother said.


On Monday her hair was judged to have grown enough for her to be put back into normal classes.



'So proud'


"Although Niamh is back to classes I still feel like the positive and amazing deed she did has been dampened and not praised as it should have been," Mrs Baldwin said.


She added she was "so proud" of her daughter, and disagreed with the school's rules on hair length.


Mounts Bay Academy vice principal Les Hall said Niamh was removed "for a short time" as her appearance was "upsetting and confusing to a number of students and staff", but was not excluded.


He added the school had not been made aware about the charity head shave, and the reasons behind the hair cut "were unclear at the time".


"Niamh was soon after returned to her normal lessons where she is currently studying successfully," Mr Hall said.





文章來自: 蘋果日報 / BBS NEWS

中: https://hk.news.appledaily.com/international/realtime/article/20180109/57681191

​Eng : http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-42609102



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