今日好榮幸得到 溫婉珊 Shirley Wan 分行經理的邀請,來到香港保誠保險 PRUDENTIAL 馬驊伯 Alex Ma 的團隊分享有關香港癌症病人與照顧者面對的挑戰;我們日常的工作、工作理念,以致現時提供的各項病人支援服務詳情等。感謝各位保誠前線同事對我們所提供的服務的關注,希望今次的介紹能夠為你們的工作提供額外的價值,並且為你們身邊有需要的家人、朋友,以致客戶提供更落地的支援。
We were honored to be invited by Shirley Wan, the Branch Manager, to share with Alex Ma’s team at Prudential Hong Kong about the challenges faced by cancer patients and caregivers in Hong Kong. We discussed our daily work, the work philosophy, as well as details of the various patient support services we currently provide.
We appreciate the attention that Prudential’s frontline colleagues have shown towards the services we offer. We hope that this presentation can provide additional value to your work and offer more practical support for your family, friends, and clients in need.
We often describe cancer as being like a convenience store, always nearby. Even if you may not currently require related services, however increasing awareness about cancer, understanding advancements in cancer treatment, and discussing the support available for cancer patients in Hong Kong is akin to having insurance for unforeseen circumstances. Thank you for supporting our service, and I hope that in the days to come, we will have more opportunities for exchange and collaboration!